Jana Kumberger: Grafična podoba festivala Rdeče zore 2017


Jana Kumberger: Grafična podoba festivala Rdeče zore 2017

(7. 3. 2017 – 19. 3. 2017)

Vljudno vabljene_i na ogled festivalske podobe, ki jo je ustvarila Jana Kumberger, od torka, 7. marca 2017, v Nočni izložbi Pešak.

V Galeriji Nočna izložba Pešak že tretje leto sodelujemo z Mednarodnim feminističnim in kvirovskim festivalom Rdeče zore. Prvo leto je bila na ogled razstava Anne Ehrlemark, umetnice, ki je bila več let aktivno povezana s festivalom in je pustila močan vizualni pečat tudi na samo festivalsko podobo. V prejšnjem letu so se v razstavni prostor naselile posamezne oblike, bitja, objekti, ki so pobegnili iz festivalske podobe umetnice Nevene Aleksovski. Letos je vizualno podobo za osemnajstletnico festivala prispevala Jana Kumberger, ki je za Rdeče zore že prispevala podobo za plakat ob dogodku Štiri mene pred Rdečimi zorami (2015). Njen vizualni prispevek bo tokrat izza oken gledal na obiskovalke_ce AKC Metelkova mesto, jih obveščal o prisotnosti festivala in jih ter nas spodbujal k razmisleku o njegovem pomenu.

Organizacija: Rdeče zore

Soorganizacija: Galerija Nočna izložba Pešak


Razstava bo na ogled od 7.3. do 19.3. 2017. Otvoritve ne bo.

Luči v Nočni izložbi Pešak se prižgejo vsak dan ob 20. uri.



Exhibition of festival’s graphic design image by Jana Kumberger (SI)

You are cordially invited to the opening of the exhibition of festival’s graphic design image by Jana Kumberger, on 7th March, Night Window Display Gallery Pešak, ACC Metelkova.

It is the third year of collaboration between the Night Window Display Gallery Pešak, and the International Feminist and Queer Festival Red Dawns. In 2015, there was an exhibition there of the artist Anna Ehrlemark, who was, for many years, strongly connected with the festival, and who also left a great mark on the festival’s visual image. Last year’s author of the festival’s graphic design was Nevena Aleksovski. The exhibiting space was overtaken by various details that were separated from the festival’s image and were, therefore, given their own life. This year’s author of the design for the 18th anniversary of the festival is Jana Kumberger. She already collaborated with Red dawns, when making a poster for the event, Štiri mene pred Rdečimi zorami (Four Moon Phases before Red Dawns) (2015). Her visual contribution will observe passers-by from behind the windows of the gallery at ACC Metelkova City, as a reminder of the festival’s presence, and it will try to encourage us all to think about its meaning.

The exhibition will last from 7th to 19th March 2017. There will be no official opening.

Free viewing. The lights of the Night Window Display Gallery Pešak will be on every day from 8:00 p.m.

Organization: Red dawns

Co-organization: Night Window Display Gallery Pešak