Merzuk: Out of Time
Ljubljana Street Art Festival 2023
#LJSAF 2023

Merzuk: Out of Time
(26. 6. 2023 – 1. 8. 2023)
Odprtje razstave in festivala: ponedeljek, 26. 6., ob 19.45, Galerija Nočna izložba Pešak
Merzuk je ime mladega uličnega umetnika, ki se v okviru vizualnih umetnosti ukvarja predvsem z grafiti in digitalnim oblikovanjem. Z razstavo “Out of Time” (“Čas je potekel”) se umetnik prvič predstavlja v galerijskem okolju. S svojo petdelno vizualno pripovedjo se osredotoča na vprašanje ravnovesja v naravi in na negativne učinke, ki jih sprožajo človekovi prekomerni in nepremišljeni posegi vanjo. Gledalca opozori na pomen biotske raznovrstnosti s prikazom nestabilnosti posameznih ekosistemov, v središče upodobitve pa postavi Zemljo kot celoto.
Razstava bo na ogled od 26. 6. do 1. 8. 2023.
Merzuk is the name of a young street artist who works mainly in the visual arts, especially graffiti and digital design. With the exhibition “Out of Time”, the artist presents himself for the first time in a gallery setting. With his five-part visual narrative, he focuses on themes concerning the balance in nature and the negative effects triggered by man’s excessive and reckless interference with it. He draws the viewer’s attention to the importance of biodiversity by showing the instability of individual ecosystems placing the Earth as a whole at the centre of his depiction.
Merzuk (b. 2002) is a younger generation street artist who works mainly as a graffiti and mural painter, graphic designer and musician. He draws inspiration for his own artistic work from the urban environment and hip-hop culture.
The exhibition will be on display between 26. 6. & 1. 8. 2023.

Produkcija: Alternative Ljubljana / Inštitut za urbana vprašanja
Koprodukcija: KUD Mreža / Galerija Nočna izložba Pešak
Producentka: Nataša Serec
Kustosinja: Anabel Černohorski
Foto arhiv: Božo Rakočević
Podpora: Ministrstvo za kulturo RS, MOL – Oddelek za kulturo
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