Nika Lapkovski


Nika Lapkovski (1994, Ljubljana) na Akademiji za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje obiskuje 1. letnik podiplomskega študija grafičnega oblikovanja. Diplomiral_a je pri prof. Botasu Kendi, tema njenega_govega dela pa je bila problematika stigmatizacije menstrualne krvavitve. Kot grafična_i oblikovalka_ec in fotograf_inja sodeluje z društvi Parada ponosa, TransAkcija, Legebitra in kolektivom Rdeče zore. Sodeloval_a je na skupinskih razstavah v okviru Lezbične četrti, festivala Parada ponosa in drugih, skupinski projekt The Message je bil razstavljen tudi na mednarodnem festivalu oblikovanja Plan D v Zagrebu (2017).

Nika Lapkovski (1994, Ljubljana) is attending the 1st year of postgraduate studies in Graphic Design at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana. In their thesis (mentorship of prof. Botas Kenda) they dealt with the problem of stigmatization of menstrual bleeding. As a graphic designer and photographer, they collaborate with the Ljubljana Pride, TransAction & Legebitra associations as well as the Red Dawns collective. They have participated at group exhibitions within the Lesbian Quarter project, the Pride Parade Festival and others. The Message group project was also exhibited at the International Design Festival Plan D in Zagreb (2017).