Linda Söderholm

Foto: Essi Ojanperä
Linda Söderholm je interdisciplinarna finska oblikovalka, ljubiteljica hip hopa in umetnica z več kot desetletnimi izkušnjami. Magistrirala je na finski Univerzi Aalto na Fakulteti za umetnost, oblikovanje in arhitekturo. Po večletnem nabiranju oblikovalskih izkušenj po pisarnah različnih oblikovalskih agencij, od leta 2015 deluje kot samostojna oblikovalka. Je aktivna članica društva GOR. V zadnjem času se pretežno ukvarja z umetnostjo kaligrafije in črkoslikarstva.
Linda Söderholm is a graphic designer, lover of hip-hop culture and typography enthusiastic from Finland. First time she came to Slovenia in 2013 and since then she has been an active member of the local sports and culture association GOR. Linda holds a Master’s degree in New Media, but is nowadays more interested in more traditional handcrafts and analog art. Lately she has been busy in learning the art of hand lettering and sign painting – the techniques she has also used to put together her exhibition at Night Gallery Pešak.